Past Shows & Exhibits

Old Town Cottonwood, Arizona, USA
APRIL 2013
Lady As Landscape: Transmuting Trauma Into Beauty

After a few years of many unexplained ER visits, surgeries, random joints ripping (like from minor tasks such as lifting a dish towel off the counter), I was properly diagnosed with the auto-immune disease Rheumatoid Arthritis. Exceedingly painful, debilitating and potentially fatal, my doctors started me on Prednisone to halt further joint and limb deformation, reduce pain and relieve depression. The exhilarating affect of the drug is seen here.

The bliss of my first tub after two years of incisions and wound care, which kept me from water submersion. The joyful bubbles, fun colors and fantasy cranes reflect the great pleasure I felt just to be... Home At Last...in my tub. Correspondingly, the crane represents longevity, and my hope that the surgeries I survived might be my last.

After a few years of many unexplained ER visits, surgeries, random joints ripping (like from minor tasks such as lifting a dish towel off the counter), I was properly diagnosed with the auto-immune disease Rheumatoid Arthritis. Exceedingly painful, debilitating and potentially fatal, my doctors started me on Prednisone to halt further joint and limb deformation, reduce pain and relieve depression. The exhilarating affect of the drug is seen here.
At the SAC in Sedona, Arizona, USA
JULY 5, 6, 7 of 2013
I am honored to have had two pieces selected for this museum-style experience of local art to support Sedona Pride.




graciously hosted my show
Two If By Sea
Sunset of FEB 11 2013
Nosara, Costa Rica, Central America

An abstract depiction of a fabulous whole fish dinner I had the immense privilege of indulging in while visiting Arles, Southern France.

Watercolored on the beaches of Nosara, Costa Rica.

Part of the Mermaids Have No Legs series.

An abstract depiction of a fabulous whole fish dinner I had the immense privilege of indulging in while visiting Arles, Southern France.
SCHOOLHOUSE restaurant
WATER & ROCK series
Late 2013 through Spring 2014
Fabulous food, excellent drink selections, locally grown veggies, and backyard raised herbs... what a splendid spot to have my first abstract hold court.
If you haven't tried the SCHOOLHOUSE RESTAURANT yet in Old Town Cottonwood, Arizona - it is a must.

Thank you to Elizabeth Gerstner for coordinating the space and RooPho Realty for letting us decorate the walls!
Selections from Transmutation of Trauma Into Beauty showcased in June, July and August FIRST FRIDAYs.

Watercolor and Gold Leaf

Watercolor and Gold Leaf
​​The creative brain child of Abbie's Kitchen owner Abbie Ashford and her partner, CPA, author, and toy maker Charlene Zack, this eclectic Old Town Cottonwood Gallery represents numerous Verde Valley artists in a beautifully creative space.
Located at 764 N. Main Street, Cottonwood, AZ. Hours are Friday and Saturday from 10-4:00 or by appointment ~ 928-634-9739.
Currently showing at the ZACKFORD is "Asian Peacocks." This piece is my only Gold-Leaf accented Watercolor... and shows best in person!

Shape Of A Woman
At North Bend Studio in the Old Town Shopping District of Cottonwood, AZ
Come visit the newest Gallery addition to Old Town, representing local atists, jewelers, and reclaimed furniture makers.